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Managing Remote Teams

a 4-workshops course to make your hybrid or remote team more effective

Luca Dellanna's headshot

Hi! I’m Luca Dellanna, and I have 10+ years of experience working in hybrid or remote teams, managing them, and coaching executives in creating more effective hybrid and remote teams.

In this series of four workshops, learn how to increase the engagement, effectiveness, and accountability of working-from-home employees.

Managing Remote Teams

Hi! I’m Luca Dellanna, and I have 10+ years of experience working in hybrid or remote teams, managing them, and coaching executives in creating more effective hybrid and remote teams.

In this series of four workshops, learn how to increase the engagement, effectiveness, and accountability of working-from-home employees.

Key outcomes

✔️ More accountability

Learn how to delegate objectives and follow-up on them so that people feel accountable and deliver on them, even without the day-to-day contact of in-person management.

✔️ More effectiveness

Learn how to delegate, train, follow-up, and give feedback in a way that makes people more effective, even given the communication constraints of remote working.

✔️ More engagement

Teams and individuals that transitioned from in-person to remote often report lower engagement. This is not a property of remote working, but a consequence of managers not addressing the sources of disengagement. I’ll teach you how.

✔️ Higher retention

Within remote organizations, it’s possible that you won’t learn about people wanting to leave until it’s too late. I will teach you how to address this problem proactively, leading to higher talent retention and higher job satisfaction.


100% satisfied participants from the first two editions
10.0 average rating

“Really helpful, I’m a different person than I was when I started… it fundamentally affected the way I communicate with people.”

Daniel Webb
CEO, Cobwebb

“Many insights on how to reshape our understanding of team management in a remote context, which is a new and evolving practice.”

Xavier P. Hansen
Lead Solutions Architect, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Course schedule

October 2023

Four workshops

  • Every Wednesday. Note: the latest edition of the course is over. Click on the “enroll now” button below to register for the waiting list for the next edition.
  • Each is a 90-minutes live session, starting at 17:30 CET / 11:30 EST / 8:30 PST.
  • Recordings will be made available.

Two one-on-ones

  • Two 30-minute video calls to schedule at your convenience
  • You will talk directly to me, asking me questions and receiving personalized advice.

Optional homework

  • 30-60 minutes a week
  • I will give you optional action items to implement at your job what you learned in the course.

Alumni meetings

  • A few weeks after the last workshop, and every 1-2 months after that, you will also be invited to the recurring virtual alumni meetings I organize for everyone who attended a major live course of mine.
  • You will get to meet other managers and senior leaders, share experiences, and ask for advice.

What’s not in the course

  • Legal and administrative advice. This is a course about managing people. I won’t touch the legal or administrative aspects of employing or contracting people remotely
  • Hiring. I won’t touch the topic of how to hire remotely, as I don’t have much practice in the subject.
  • Specific software. I won’t discuss or recommend specific software to use. This is a course about management habits and best practices; which specific tools you use to implement them is largely irrelevant.
  • Technical troubleshooting. This course is about management. I assume you already have a decent audio/video and software setup that enables you to properly communicate with your team, and I won’t help you troubleshooting technical problems.

Course Syllabus

1. The Remote Trap

“Tools that scale” such as large Zoom meetings, Slack, and project management software might increase your efficiency as a manager, but do they make your team more efficient effective?

Probably not.

You’ll learn how to communicate in a way that increases your team’s effectiveness.


2. Delegating & following-up

During delegation, don’t only assign a task. Instead, be clear, specific, concrete, and set your subordinates for success.

Then, follow-up to grow skills and engagement.

Here, you’ll learn how.


3. Performance management & motivation

Performance management and reviews aren’t tools to evaluate effectiveness.

They are tools to put your employees on a path of growth and impact.

In this module, you’ll learn how to run performance reviews and one-on-ones to increase skills, motivation, and effectiveness.


4. Implementation

In this module, we’ll review the content from the previous three sessions and will delve more in detail in the subtleties of implementation.

We already did some exercises and case studies during the first three weeks, but here we’ll do more, to ensure that you’ll be ready to practice what you learned.

Frequently asked questions

What’s the course structure?

The course lasts four weeks.

Its core consists in 4 live sessions and 2 one-on-ones.

The live sessions take place on Wednesdays at 17:30 CET (11:30 EST) and take 90 minutes. If you cannot make it live, don’t worry: you will receive recordings.

After the first session, I will send you a link to schedule two 30-minute one-on-ones at your convenience.

A few weeks after the last workshop, and every 1-2 months after that, you will also be invited to the recurring virtual alumni meetings I organize for everyone who attended a major live course of mine. You will get to meet other managers and senior leaders, share experiences, and ask for advice.

Do I have to attend all of the live sessions in real time?

It’s preferred to attend all sessions live, but if you cannot, you will receive a recording.

I work full-time, what is the expected time commitment?

No worries, this course is designed for busy managers.

You will be expected to watch the sessions, live or recorded (that takes about 90 minutes a week for four weeks) and to schedule at least one 30-minutes one-on-one with me.

Other than that, there will be optional homework on how to practice on your job what you learned in the course.

What should I expect when I sign up?

Within 24h from your sign-up, I will send you a few questions to better understand your situation and eventually add content to the curriculum to cover your specific needs.

What should I expect after the course ends?

  • Upon completion, you will get access to the online community of the alumni to my courses.
  • One week later, you will receive the completion certificate.
  • Two weeks later, you will get to participate to a group Zoom call with the alumni from previous courses.
  • Every time I finish a new cohort, there will be another Zoom call open to all alumni.

What’s the refund policy?

I offer a 100% satisfied-or-reimbursed guarantee.

To date, none of the participants to any of my courses used it.

Can I expense this?

Many companies treat work-related courses such as this one as reimbursable expenses.

And if yours doesn’t, you can always ask your boss.

Here is a template you can use for the request.

I’ve read some of your books. Is the content of this course a repetition?

About 25% of the course content comes from my books, but the rest is original.

Plus, in this course, you get direct access to me, you can ask questions and get tailored advice for the specific situation you’re in, and meet peers with whom you can share ideas.

I’ve participated to your course “Antifragile Organizations.” Is there any overlap?

Yes, the content of “Managing Remote Teams” partially overlaps with that of “Antifragile Organizations.”

If you participated to the latter and want to participate to this course too, email me and I’ll give you a discount code to compensate for the overlap.

I’ve participated in other courses on management. Is this a regurgitation of traditional content?

Absolutely not! If you’ve read any book of mine, you know that I come from a unique angle, focused on clarity and applicability.

I don’t teach abstract strategies that sound smart but are hard to implement, fail in practice, or come with a hell of side effects.

Almost everything I will show you, I’ve seen it work in the real world.

Any other question?

Email me.

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