Luca no background

Hi! I’m Luca. How can I help?

Email me I reply within 24h.

Luca no background

Hi! I’m Luca. How can I help?
Email me. I reply within 24h.

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Effective delegation
Effective delegation
Effective delegation testimonial
In the second workshop
In the third workshop
In the fourth workshop
Luca vertical

The last series of workshops took place in February 2024.

That said, you can book a private one-on-one session in which Luca will go with you through the contents of this course and will make you a more effective delegator.

The session is 2-hour long video call and can be arranged at a mutually-agreed time. You can bring up to two colleagues of yours, if you wish. Included in the price is a follow-up 1h video call to be held 2-4 weeks later.

Effective delegation testimonials
Testimonial 1
Testimonial 2
Effective delegation questions
What to expect

The last series of workshops took place in February 2024.

That said, you can book a private one-on-one session in which Luca will go with you through the contents of this course and will make you a more effective delegator.

The session is 2-hours long and can be arranged at a mutually-agreed time. You can bring up to two colleagues of yours, if you wish. Included in the price is a follow-up 1h video call to be held 2-4 weeks later.

Any questions? Email me.

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