Luca no background

Hi! I’m Luca. How can I help?

Email me I reply within 24h.

Luca no background

Hi! I’m Luca. How can I help?
Email me. I reply within 24h.

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(Note: I also distribute it in Roam format)

A look inside

The Roamletter contains two to five essays a week
The RoamLetter's essays are commented
The RoamLetter contains the best ideas and quotes
The RoamLetter contains news, fun bites, and prompts

What's the content about?

I mainly write about business, management, complexity, and personal growth.

You can expect my weekly emails to contain:

  • An in-depth essay.
  • A review of 2-4 articles or papers published recently, with my comments.
  • A review of the best tweets and thoughts I came across during the previous week, with my comments.
  • An eventual chapter preview from my upcoming books.

Spaced repetition

I am a strong believer in spaced repetition to better remember important concepts. A Roam-native newsletter allows you to easily integrate into spaced-repetition tools, or to tag items for spaced repetition inside Roam itself.

Moreover, every 3 months, you will receive a Roam file with the references to the most important articles I published in the newsletter – so that you can review them at your own pace.

Take a look at the first edition!

Here is a sample of what the newsletter looks like: link.

Subscribe now!

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