Values, Time Horizons, and Social Technologies

2024-09-02 by Luca Dellanna

#Winning Long-Term Games

All Values, such as Honesty, Respect, and Sustainability, are investments: they come with short-term costs and long-term benefits.

They represent a belief that it is worth forgoing some type of short-term opportunity because it would come with long-term costs or that it is worth paying some investment today to get a future payoff.

**Because all Values come with short-term costs and long-term benefits, they only make sense over long enough time horizons.**Hence, only people with long enough time horizons practice them consistently.

Of course, there are exceptions to the above: habits, peer pressure, and fear of punishment. Still, the point remains: time horizons have a massive influence on the practice of Values, for the longer the time horizon, the more sense it makes to practice the Value.

Arbitrarily-shortened time horizons

A common mistake in investing is to arbitrarily shorten your time horizon. For example, you might have 50 years to live, yet say that your time horizon is “5 to 7 years.” This is bad because it makes you take more risks than optimal (because they seem to have less time to manifest) and will make you underestimate compounding properties (for the same reason).

I see a similar mistake with “digital nomads” touring towns one after another, looking for one to commit to settling to. The problem is that if you think you’ll only stay in a town for three months, you won’t do things like building friendships with local communities that are key to enjoying a town. Arbitrarily shortening one’s time horizon might get in the way of exhibiting the Values that make life great.

Similarly, we often shoot ourselves in the foot when we wait until a romantic relationship is great to commit, whereas some level of commitment would be necessary for the Values that make a relationship great to emerge.

Lengthening time horizons

Marriage is a social technology to increase the time horizon of a commitment to make certain Values more likely to be practiced, such as Fidelity, Honest Communication, Mutual Growth, etc.

Similarly, it makes sense to ask ourselves, how can we lengthen time horizons to make Values more worthwhile?

What social technologies can we introduce for this purpose?

Winning Long-Term Games

Reproducible success strategies to achieve your long-term goals

Some reviews

"Gem upon gem of insight [...] a must-read [...] for all those who plan on being successful and who take the goal of achieving that success with the deadly, focused, and unwavering seriousness it deserves."
Avatar of Guy Spier

Guy Spier

Founder, Aquamarine Fund

"I like everything Luca has written, and this book exceeded my already high expectations. Can't wait to read it again tonight. It's that good."
Avatar of Scott Mitchell

Scott Mitchell


"I learned very much from it! Luca's books have my highest highlight density."
Avatar of Lance Johnson

Lance Johnson

CEO, Whiteboard Geeks

"One of the best strategy guides I’ve read for being a solopreneur or generally self employed person"
Avatar of Paul Millerd

Paul Millerd


"Very clear and compelling writing, which helped me develop and extend my mindset when it comes to stitching together the short-term games knowing that it's this practice that will lead to winning long-term games even if it doesn't feel like winning for a while."
Avatar of Matthew Stafford

Matthew Stafford

Founder, 9others

"Luca provides very concrete examples with the concepts and frameworks he brings forward. Just like he helped me understand how antifragility can be cultivated in individuals and organisations, playing the long game gets real for me as I make plans and decisions."
Avatar of Maryse Lepage

Maryse Lepage

Executive coach, ex-Shopify

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