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Luca’s Podcast

I interview CEOs, COOs, and investors on people management, operations management, and risk management.

You can listen to the podcast on Spotify or watch it on YouTube.

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I add about one episode a month.
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Were you looking for podcasts where I am the guest? You can find them here.

Text-only interviews

Laurent Dji Sung Reiniex, Director of Operations Westin Miriandhoo (Marriott)

A highlight from a recent episode

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A review of Luca by Xavier Faure
Seb on Luca

In the welcome email, you will find:

✔ A guide on how to bring clarity to your teams

✔ A 33% discount code for my book "Best Practices For Operational Excellence"

✔ An archive of my top Twitter threads, including the ones market with a ⭐️ that are my favorite

✔ A digital copy of my book "The Employee Engagement Handbook," with plenty of concrete advice to increase talent retention and commitment

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