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In this case, you might think that the world doesn’t make sense and that people are irrational. That’s what I thought when I was 14, and I did not understand why some girls were so fond of the “bad boys” in my school."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"Or perhaps you knew about some of such rules but chose to disrespect them because you didn’t like their implication. For example, everyone knows the two rules for losing weight: eat healthily and exercise. However, most do not act on them because they’re uncomfortable practicing them day after day or do not have the time or energy to do so."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"We cannot live happily wishing the world followed the rules we are comfortable with. Or, at least, we cannot do it for long. The universe relentlessly punishes those who do not follow its rules."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"Paraphrasing Paulo Coelho, failures are life’s way of teaching us its rules. In particular, those we do not want to learn."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"In this book, You will find 100 rules that apply to the most important areas of your life."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"I call them rules because breaking them has consequences. In the words of bestselling author Stephen Covey, while we are free to choose our actions, we cannot choose their consequences. Apart from the few unfortunate cases in which something bad happened to one of my loved ones, every single time I felt hurt, it was because I broke one of the rules of life."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:(0,a.jsx)("strong",{children:"Pain, sadness, and frustration result from not having learned the rules by which the world works or having chosen to disrespect them."})}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"Over the years, learning from my mistakes, I internalized these rules. Now, I have a fulfilling life of which I’m proud and for which I highly respect myself."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"With this book, I entrust you with the rules I learned through experience, allowing you to learn from them without first having to experience on your skin the consequences of breaking them."})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"Eight rules to prioritize your growth"},{strong:"Fifteen rules to create progress in your life"},{strong:"Ten rules to figure out what to do next"},{strong:"Eight rules to learn to learn"},{strong:"Six rules to get help"},{strong:"Five rules to lead"},{strong:"Eight rules for better perspective"},{strong:"Five rules for stronger habits"},{strong:"Nine rules to avoid mistakes"},{strong:"Four rules to make yourself antifragile"},{strong:"Six rules to be more effective"},{strong:"Five rules to recondition yourself"},{strong:"Two rules to learn to be happy"},{strong:"Two rules to get to know yourself"},{strong:"And more, for a total of 100 rules."}]},s={aboutText:(0,a.jsxs)("div",{className:"prose",children:[(0,a.jsx)("p",{className:"font-semibold",children:"Management is like juggling: if you don't throw the balls right, your job will be more difficult than it needs to be, and you'll drop plenty."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"For managers, this means that delegating right and setting the right culture is the key to being effective and avoid that their job becomes about solving emergencies all day."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"In this book, Luca Dellanna draws from his experience leading large teams and consulting for large multinationals to explain the four principles and eight best practices that lead to more effective and less effortful management."})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"The 4 Principles of Operational Excellence",text:"that determine whether your organization will operate smoothly or always react to the last problem, whether your subordinates respect you and each other or operate with defensiveness and distrust."},{strong:"The 8 Best Practices of Operational Excellence",text:"that effective managers use on a weekly and monthly basis to ensure that the Principles are followed in practice every day, even when conditions are not optimal, even when they are not around."},{strong:"How to get top-management buy-in, a roadmap for an effective roll-out, and systems to sustain the change.",text:"This book does not let you alone with the complex reality of implementing change in a big company where multiple projects and agendas are involved."},{strong:"And much more…"}]},r={aboutText:(0,a.jsxs)("div",{className:"prose",children:[(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"In this short book, 6-times author Luca Dellanna describes ergodicity as simply as possible."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"You will read stories about how not knowing about it destroyed his cousin’s career as a skier, or how misunderstanding it caused additional deaths during the pandemic. You will learn how to spot situations where ergodicity matters and the three strategies to react appropriately."})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"What is ergodicity",text:"and why it is so important in business, investing, sports,relationships, and life in general."},{strong:"The story of my cousin",text:"and how a misunderstanding of ergodicity impacted his career as a professional skier."},{strong:"The gambler and the gamble,",text:"a paradox that explains many professional mistakes."},{strong:"The best strategy depends on the time horizon:",text:"the importance of not getting distracted by those with a different time horizon than yours."},{strong:"A definition of ergodicity",text:"and a test to determine whether a situation is ergodic (and how much it is ergodic)."},{strong:"Three strategies",text:"to manage non-ergodicity."},{strong:"How to best optimize your life",text:"under non-ergodic conditions (i.e., in the real world)."},{strong:"Luck, skill,",text:"and how to determine the importance of each in a given context."},{strong:"And much more…"}]},i={aboutText:(0,a.jsxs)("div",{className:"prose",children:[(0,a.jsx)("p",{className:"font-semibold",children:"Hybrid and remote teams appear less productive and engaged than in-person one, but that's mostly because managers didn't learn yet how to properly manage them."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"If you think about it, as a society, we have over a century of experience managing in-person teams. Most managers know how to do a decent job at it. However, when it comes to remote teams, very few managers have more than a few years of experience, and some not even that. We cannot just expect them to already know how to do a great job. We must teach them."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"Luca Dellanna has worked in hybrid or remote teams since 2008, managing groups of up to 40 people. In this book, he draws from his experience both as an employee and as a manager of remote teams to describe a few best practices that can dramatically increase productivity and engagement."})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"How to build trust",text:"even if your team works from home."},{strong:"How to delegate more clearly",text:"so that your team acts with more clarity and decision."},{strong:"How to develop your people",text:"even if you never meet them face to face."},{strong:"How to give more actionable feedback",text:"that not just corrects mistakes but also improves skills and grows engagement."},{strong:"How to build engagement and teamwork",text:"without being cringy and even if charisma isn't your thing."},{strong:"And much more…"}]};o(76167);let l={aboutText:(0,a.jsxs)("div",{className:"prose",children:[(0,a.jsx)("p",{className:"font-semibold",children:"Productive societies redistribute prosperity; unproductive ones redistribute poverty."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"In this book, Luca Dellanna explores the policies that bring poverty and those that bring prosperity – and the cultural and societal factors that lead some countries to choose the former instead of the latter."})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"What causes poverty?",text:"What policies, principles, and cultural factors lead to it?"},{strong:"What causes prosperity?",text:"What policies, principles, and cultural factors lead to it?"},{strong:"Why do some countries choose poverty?",text:"What gets currently-prosperous societies on the path to decadence?"},{strong:"Utopia and dystopia",text:"What are the policies that aim to get us to utopia but lead to dystopia?"},{strong:"And much more…",text:""}]},h={aboutText:(0,a.jsxs)("div",{className:"prose",children:[(0,a.jsx)("p",{className:"font-semibold",children:"Change is inevitable, but we can decide whether it will happen upon us or within us."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"If we avoid adaptation, we will progressively become unfit to an everchanging world, and that will cause us much pain. Conversely, if we decide to proactively adapt, embracing personal change, we will become fit to our environment, yielding great success and personal rewards."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"In this book, author and researcher Luca Dellanna explains how exactly to embrace adaptation the bottom-up way."})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"Change is inevitable",text:"but you can decide whether it will happen within you or upon you"},{strong:"Three ways to adapt",text:"and how to harness them with the minimal pain (but not zero)."},{strong:"The harm of no harm",text:"how adaptation is something to look for rather than avoided (it cannot be avoided indefinitely anyway)."},{strong:"Antifragilization",text:"Nassim Taleb described antifragility, but how can we become more antifragile, exactly?"},{strong:"The two steps for personal growth",text:"adapting the bottom-up way."},{strong:"And much more…"}]},c={aboutText:(0,a.jsxs)("div",{className:"prose",children:[(0,a.jsx)("p",{className:"font-semibold",children:"We often think we have a decision-making problem, but what we have is an action-taking problem."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"The reason we often do not do what we want (such as learning a new habit), or do what we do not want (such as eating one more slice of cake) is that the part of the brain which takes decisions and the part of the brain which decides what orders to send our muscles are different."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"In this book, author and researcher Luca Dellanna explains why it's so hard to change our habits and what to do about it. He also covers many apparently irrational behaviors and the perceptual illusions that cause them."})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"A split brain",text:"the part of the brain which takes decisions and the part of the brain which decides what orders to send our muscles are different."},{strong:"The gating rules",text:"that determine whether we act according to our plans."},{strong:"How to change our conditioning",text:"to enable us to take actions we keep procrastinating."},{strong:"Brain Inc.",text:"How the brain doesn't take decisions as a single entity but rather as multiple independent areas of the brain each acting on its individual knowledge and incentives – just like companies do not take decisions as a single entity but rather it's their manager who take decisions, each based on what they individually know and on their individual incentives."},{strong:"Why we have moods",text:"and why it's good to be moderately moody."},{strong:"The Control Heuristic",text:"the overarching algorithm detrmining our behavior."},{strong:"And much more…"}]},d={aboutText:(0,a.jsxs)("div",{className:"prose",children:[(0,a.jsx)("p",{className:"font-semibold",children:"How do people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) perceive the world?"}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"And how to communicate with them effectively?"}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"In this ground-breaking book, author and researcher Luca Dellanna explains how autism is primarily a perceptual disorder rather than a learning disorded (impaired learning comes as a result of a different perception) and how we can adjust the way we communicate to bridge such differences."})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"The Magnifying Glass",text:"a metaphor to explain autistic perception."},{strong:"Two domains",text:"why people with (mild) autism prefer some detailed fields such as maths and physics and are impaired at contextual fields such as sports and social interactions."},{strong:"A two-tailed spectrum",text:"how not only there are hyper-detailed people (people labeled as autistic) but also hypo-detailed people – a currently-unlabeled part of the population suffering from a perceptual impairment opposite to the autistic one."},{strong:"A spectrum of behaviors",text:"Prioritization by Specificity, Peripheral Functionality Blindness, and other peculiarities frequently exhibited by people with ASD"},{strong:"Learning and Teaching",text:"how to communicate effectively with people with (mild) ASD."},{strong:"And much more…"}]},p={aboutText:(0,a.jsxs)("div",{className:"prose",children:[(0,a.jsx)("p",{className:"font-semibold",children:"The key to winning long-term games is to stop playing them as a succession of separate short-term games."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"Yet, most people take the opposite approach."}),(0,a.jsxs)("ol",{children:[(0,a.jsx)("li",{children:"The manager who sees each interaction with her team as a separate game. Every time she talks to her subordinates, it's to get things done rather than develop their skills. As a result, she fails to build the long-term assets (a competent team) she needs in order to win her long-term game (a successful career)."}),(0,a.jsx)("li",{children:"The spouse who lies as a way to avoid responsibility. If lying has, say, a 1% chance of getting discovered, it's a great short-term tactic (it succeeds 99% of the time) but a terrible long-term strategy (if you lie once a week, you have a 99.5% chance of getting caught over a decade)."}),(0,a.jsx)("li",{children:"The solopreneur who sends weekly emails to their mailing list and sees each as a separate game. Therefore, they consume their audience's trust to generate more sales within a single email instead of building trust to create more sales within a few months."})]}),(0,a.jsxs)("p",{children:["These three examples show that"," ",(0,a.jsx)("strong",{children:"approaching long-term games as a succession of separate short-term games is a bad strategy despite working great over short time horizons."})]}),(0,a.jsxs)("p",{children:["Instead,"," ",(0,a.jsx)("strong",{children:"you should play short-term games not to win them but to progress your long-term objectives."})]}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{children:"This book teaches you how to do that and much more: how to design and execute Reproducible Success Strategies, how to pre-empt failure and learn from the failures of others, etc."}),(0,a.jsx)("p",{className:"italic",children:"Foreword by Guy Spier"})]}),whatsInsideText:[{strong:"The two principles of playing long-term games",text:"and how to apply them to your personal and professional life"},{strong:"Reproducible Success Strategies",text:"and how to determine whether a strategy is reproducible"},{strong:"The three properties of good long-term strategies",text:"that can make success almost inevitable (for all realistic goals)"},{strong:"Why playing long-term games doesn't imply delaying gratification",text:"but actually enables you to enjoy life today"},{strong:"How to leverage the long term",text:"to open up better options and opportunities"},{strong:"How to manage risks",text:"without losing time or opportunities"},{strong:"How to design a strategy that works",text:"without committing to an excessively rigid structure"},{strong:"The 1% life",text:"and how to achieve it"},{strong:"And much more…",text:""}]},u=[{title:"Ergodicity",slug:"ergodicity",edition:"3rd edition (November 2022)",shortDescription:"How irreversible outcomes affect long-term performance in work, investing, relationships, sport, and beyond",laurels:["Featured on EconTalk and 15+ other podcasts","Thousands of copies sold all over the world"],aboutText:r.aboutText,whatsInsideText:r.whatsInsideText,excerptUrl:"",coverSrc:"/ergodicity-cover.jpg",cover3dSrc:"/ergodicity-3dcover.jpg",page1src:"/ergodicity-2.png",page2src:"/ergodicity-1.png",amazonLink:"",myStoreLink:"",hasAudiobook:!0,publishDate:"2020-11-01",isbn:"9791221067309",averageRating:4.17,numberOfRatings:163,pageCount:189,bookFormat:"Paperback",price:17.99},{title:"Winning Long-Term Games",slug:"winning-long-term-games",shortDescription:"Reproducible success strategies to achieve your long-term goals",edition:null,laurels:[],aboutText:p.aboutText,whatsInsideText:p.whatsInsideText,coverSrc:"/wltg-cover.jpg",cover3dSrc:"/wltg-3dcover.jpg",page1src:"/wltg-1.png",page2src:"/wltg-2.png",amazonLink:"",myStoreLink:"",hasAudiobook:!0,publishDate:"2024-04-22",isbn:"9791221067323",averageRating:4.33,numberOfRatings:21,pageCount:180,bookFormat:"Paperback",price:17.99},{title:"Best Practices for Operational 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edition",publishDate:"2024-12-23",isbn:"-",averageRating:5,numberOfRatings:1,pageCount:199,bookFormat:"Paperback",price:14.99},{title:"100 Truths You Will Learn Too Late",slug:"100-truths-you-will-learn-too-late",shortDescription:"Principles to become your Future Self and live a fuller life",laurels:[],aboutText:n.aboutText,whatsInsideText:n.whatsInsideText,coverSrc:"/100t-cover.jpg",cover3dSrc:"/100t-3dcover.jpg",page1src:"/100t-1.png",page2src:"/100t-2.png",amazonLink:"",myStoreLink:"",hasAudiobook:!1,edition:"3rd edition",publishDate:"2019-06-01",isbn:"9781097771110",averageRating:4.25,numberOfRatings:97,pageCount:264,bookFormat:"Paperback",price:14.99,excerptUrl:""},{title:"Managing Hybrid and Remote Teams",slug:"managing-hybrid-and-remote-teams",shortDescription:"Concrete advice to increase output and engagement",laurels:[],aboutText:i.aboutText,whatsInsideText:i.whatsInsideText,coverSrc:"/mrt-cover.jpg",cover3dSrc:"/mrt-3dcover.jpg",page1src:"/mrt-1.png",page2src:"/mrt-2.png",amazonLink:"",myStoreLink:"",hasAudiobook:!0,edition:"2nd edition",publishDate:"2023-06-03",isbn:"9798878985895",averageRating:4.5,numberOfRatings:2,pageCount:116,bookFormat:"Paperback",price:19.99},{title:"The Control Heuristic",slug:"the-control-heuristic",shortDescription:"Understand why action-taking is so difficult and how to change habits",laurels:[],aboutText:c.aboutText,whatsInsideText:c.whatsInsideText,coverSrc:"/tch-cover.jpg",cover3dSrc:"/tch-3cover.jpg",page1src:"/tch-1.png",page2src:"/tch-2.png",amazonLink:"",myStoreLink:"",hasAudiobook:!1,edition:"2nd edition",publishDate:"2020-07-31",isbn:"9798653074769",averageRating:4.5,numberOfRatings:30,pageCount:380,bookFormat:"Paperback",price:19.99,excerptUrl:""},{title:"The Power of Adaptation",slug:"the-power-of-adaptation",shortDescription:"Change is 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